CEO of Green Energy, Inc.

Russia & Korea’s NGV Bus Program

Case 1:  European Business Summit 2010 in Brussels, Belgium  at Energy for Europe on 1st July 2010
 Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Gazprom
 NGVs are a special case. We have a Green Corridor Plan. The potential is great but there is the chicken and egg problem. Car companies won´t make the cars until there are fuel stations, and the fuel stations won’t be built until there are cars to run on gas.
 The support of government is essential. For example, in Seoul, South Korea, all the buses have been switched to run on natural gas. The proper means need to be taken by the government.
A high powered group of Presidents and CEOs of some of the world’s largest energy companies participated in a panel,
Fuelling Growth at the European Business Summit in Brussels on  Natural gas was high on the agenda for each of the industry leaders, who spoke enthusiastically about natural gas and gas markets.  Natural gas was recognized as a low CO2 option to coal-generated electricity and as a resource that will last for another 200-to-250 years.  Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom’s Management Committee said that natural gas will play an important role, in particular, for the transportation sector.
Case 2: 
A matter of principle
Unfortunately, the Krasnodar Territory and the Olympics organizing committee decided for the first time since 1996 to hold the Olympics without environmentally friendly fuel. Others, not so rich gas as Russia, the country tried to take environmental regulations for sports competition, encourage the use of vehicles to natural gas.Particularly revealing in this respect the example of South Korea. But in Russia, methane will not be associated with the Olympics. Apparently, the decision-makers believe that the air Sochi is already clean and automobile exhaust can not degrade it. However, NGV buses purchased for the Universiade in Kazan. Tatarstan authorities are much more serious in this direction.
Case 3: 
– Thus, the U.S. fleet owners with a number of machines from the ten commitments
us under the park upgrade purchase at least 10% of new cars
clean fuel. And in South Korea during the World Cup
Cup in 2002, the area adjacent to the venues compete-
vany, were allowed to enter only the car with gas.

News “Gazprom Gazenergoset”

Round table on the use of LPG and CNG in the “ROS-GAZ-EXPO-2012”

On the initiative and with the participation of “Gazprom GES” organized a round table on the use of liquefied petroleum and natural gas (LPG and CNG) in various sectors of the economy in the XVI International exhibition gas industry and equipment for gas economy “ROS-GAZ EXPO-2012 “.

Moderator of the round table was the Deputy Director General for the implementation of OAO “Gazprom GES ‘Dmitri Mironov. The seminar was attended by experts from the transport and industrial enterprises, as well as experts from the gas industry.

Head of the branch programs of JSC “Gazprom GES” Anatoly Kim presented the project standalone LNG gasification of Russian regions remote from the pipeline, which the company sells under the “Russian Regions Gasification Program.”


The roundtable discussed the prospects of another uses of LPG and LNG – their application as a motor fuel (GMT). Cessilia Park of Green Energy, Inc. shared experiences with gas motor fuel on a vehicle which is in Korea. The staff of the Federal autonomous agency “Russian Maritime Register of Shipping” offered for discussion about the prospects for the use of LNG as fuel for ships. The newest development buses hybrid, where the fuel is compressed natural gas, provided the delegates for E-cars.

News “Gazprom Gazenergoset”

The conference “Market of LPG and LNG: New Frontiers of Development”

December 5-6, 2011 at the Marriott Royal Aurora Hotel was II International Conference “The market LPG and LNG in Russia: the new frontiers of development.” The event was attended by over 200 delegates from Russia, Europe and South Korea.

The event was jointly organized by JSC “Gazprom GES ‘and Holding” SIBUR “with the support of« MAXConference ».

The conference brought together all interested market participants: representatives of oil companies, equipment developers and consumers – to address key market trends LPG and LNG Russia, the issue of public participation in the improvement of the regulatory framework of the market, pricing, strategy, accessibility and quality of liquefied gas in the domestic market, development prospects of gas stations.

The conference opened with the session “The market and the state LPG Russia: Partnership or confrontation?” Where the active participation of representatives of the Ministry of Energy and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia.

A session on the status and prospects of the Russian market of LNG, Head of sector programs of JSC “Gazprom GES” Anatoly Kim spoke about the need to build in Russia, small and medium-sized plants for the production of LNG. Participants interested in the project of “Gazprom GES” for autonomous gasification of LNG in Perm and the Khabarovsk Territory.

Tax proposals of OAO “Gazprom GES” voiced Head of Internal Audit, Leonid Ivanov to reduce income tax to 20% of costs, and the excise tax on NGV cars should be 30-40% lower, as their production is more expensive.Introduction of temporary benefits for a period of two to three years would give Russia the formation of a modern, technologically sophisticated and efficient gas-engine market.

One of the most memorable was the performance reports of the President of South Korea’s «Green Energy» Cessilia Park, spoke about the government programs and policies of government regulation, which led to the successful development of the market of LPG, CNG and LNG in the country.

Rich program of events will allow all participants to openly discuss the problems and prospects of the industry.

Recall that the next, III International Conference “The market LPG and LNG Russia”, held in December 2012.


News “Gazprom Gazenergoset”

In RCCI was extended meeting on “Problems and prospects of development of gas-cylinder vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation”

November 29, 2010, an enlarged meeting of the Committee of the RF CCI on Energy Strategy and Energy Development “Problems and prospects of development of gas-cylinder vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

Despite the obvious benefits, the amount of motor fuel in Russia at present is quite low. One of the reasons forcing vehicle owners to stop using gas fuel – is the high price of gas equipment installation and the lack of tax incentives in relation to the gas-cylinder vehicles. In addition to that, in some regions of the Russian Federation significant causes for failure of the transition to natural gas are and administrative barriers.

Main purpose of the meeting – the development of specific proposals to promote the development of the park gas-cylinder vehicles in Russia.

During the meeting, presentations were made of OAO “Gazprom”, JSC “SIBUR Gazservis”, OJSC “KAMAZ”, JSC “Interaviagaz”, OOO «Hyundai ComTrans Rus” projects “City Car” CJSC “YAROVIT Motors” and “Gas-cylinder car” Gazelle “”, and the National Natural Gas Vehicle Association of the Republic of South Korea.

Of OAO “Gazprom GES” the meeting was attended and made ​​presentations Head of sector programs AA Kim and Head of Internal Audit LY Ivanov.
raised basic questions during the event:

  • adoption of the draft federal law № 130858-4 “On the use of alternative motor fuels”;
  • adoption of regulations governing the importation bitoplivnyh cars in Russia;
  • Search financial and investment decisions and the development of a regulatory framework for expanding production gas-cylinder vehicles;
  • administrative barriers to increase the gas-cylinder fleet vehicles;
  • mass production gas-cylinder vehicles and the development of gas fueling network in Russia;
  • creating tax incentives for businesses and people to use gas-fueled vehicles.

Furthermore, it was listened to a presentation on the real experience of stimulating the development of gas-powered vehicles and the resulting environmental effect in Seoul (South Korea).

In the last meeting of the RF CCI Committee on Energy Strategy and Energy Development will be developed and submitted to the executive and legislative bodies of Russia recommendations that promote the formation and development of the market gas-cylinder vehicles on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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